OK I finally got this downloaded & unzipped. On some parts of my computer it required a password & on others it didn't. Then I couldn't delete the last zip off my computer because some of the file names in various languages freaked my computer out. I had to rename them just to put them in the recycle bin.
I believe I've unzipped all I can therefore uploaded all I have. I've uploaded files plus installed the commands per your instructions. But there are no real instructions about anything else.
For example if you try to edit user permissions I'm only finding one thing & it's about color...not accessing the chat. I don't understand about adding channels, general options, formatting options, advanced options or command options. I don't understand what you have under "name of the channel image".
I'm using vbadcmps & added the module for this chat per their instructions but all I get is an empty box. Any help please? Thank you.
PS...I've also followed some link & done that "temporary fix"...aka I edited the template "mgc_cb_evo".