I understand your position, but let's try to work on it and fix it when we have the time if it avails us. One person ("attroll") writes, and this may be helpful to you if you do make changes...
I installed the style in my test site and I am not really a program but I think if you look in your navbar template at the top you will see this code:
PHP Code:
<div id="vb_navbar">
<script type="text/javascript">
function log_out()
ht = document.getElementsByTagName("html");
ht[0].style.filter = "progid:XImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(grays cale=1)";
if (confirm('$vbphrase[sure_you_want_to_log_out]'))
return true;
ht[0].style.filter = "";
return false;
There is something in this code that is doing it. If you remove this code then the header gets screwed up but the drop downs go in the right place. I tried trying to figure it out but I don't know anything about javascript at all.