Originally Posted by athlon64bit
Is there anyway that this could be made so that users can select multiple currencies to donate in such as a drop down menu to select either dollars or pound sterling. Often people do not know the conversion between dollars us or aus to pound sterling and vice versa. I wOULD LIKE PEOPLE TO BE ABLE TO SELECT SAY FROM A DROP DOWN MENU WHETHER TO DONATE IN POUND STERLING ? or dollars $ US or Aus or in euros etc. Is this possible?
I can have it show a conversion table or a link to conversion page. Not sure about having the user select cause it makes no difference the payment method will convert it auto. So makes no difference what they select. Wait I kinda see what you want for someone to pay in Pounds 10 and not 10 USD so that the actual amount going in is 18 USD etc. You don't really want a conversion to send 10 USD from Pounds which would be like 6 Pounds or something. This example is if website owners payment method account is in USD.
This would be a PRO only feature and will ad it in later release of V3