Originally Posted by VBDev
I think you encountered that because you didn't change the bburl options while working on your backup server. It was certainly pointing to the url of your real forum, this is the only reason that would explain why it was pointing there for files.
Not sure what you mean "bburl" ( im very new at this), the 2 are on different servers, the test one is on the original host and the new one migrated to new server. I did a scan for the Url it was looking for but it wasn't on any of the files. maybe database from a previous install, i did remove all file content and try again still same result, however its now successfully installed on main site works a treat excellent work.
The test site is also working now lol as the icons etc are on where its still looking for them.
Just a comment for SloppyGoat thanks for the input, its shows how easy to miss something easy like check where its looking.
One last thing are there any channel icons available other then the sets supplied, seems ideal to have several channels for different groups.