Has anyone implemented the suggestion at the following url?
To opt your entire file into CSRF protection the following should be added to the top of the file under the define for THIS_SCRIPT.
PHP Code:
define('CSRF_PROTECTION', true);
I added the above code to all 5 itrader php files that go into the forum root directory. I then added the securitytoken to 3 templates noted previously in this thread.
Just adding the securitytoken without adding the above code doesn't do anything if I understand it correctly. I think without the above code, you wouldn't even really need to add the securitytokens to the templates since it isn't requiring the check?
Anyway, it seems to be working ok with these changes on vb 3.7.0.
For someone more knowledgeable than I, please let me know if there's something I am misunderstanding or missed.
Thank you in advance for your help!