Hi, first off, just wanted to say thank you for the mod, perfect for my use but I do have a slight problem.
vBulletin v3.7.1
Cyb-SubForum Manager v2.5 (4 columns)
Firefox v2.0.0.14
No other mods on the ForumHome template.
I finally did the first post on the forum and noticed the forums are breaking off the ForumHome page. I went through the mods I have installed and disabled them all and then went through 1 by 1 and enabled them individually until I came across the one causing the problem. Unfortunately it was this mod. I've enclosed a screen shot and circled the break, post causing the break and some of the subforums so you can get an overview of what I'm seeing.
Do you know what would be causing that? What do I need to look for to modify so I can fix?
Any assistance would be great, thanks
Update: Setting on 2 cols makes the page look correct.