Hey gang, sorry for the long absence. We had a tragedy with one of our moderators last week and we only just learned that he had passed away from some serious injuries. Plus I had quite a few things on my end to take care of. I'll try to address everything within the week, if possible. Quite a few requests are starting to back up, and there's quite a few things I wanted to try out for the next update. So bear with me if you can.
Originally Posted by Stryker412
I tried with Gametrailers but all it does is offer a link. I imported the version from the zip file.
The trick would be if GameTrailers offers any embeddable code for their High Def videos. But I'll look them over and see if there's a way to work around that.
Originally Posted by D.Baker
I still haven't found a solution for my quicktime problem (see here), so does anyone have it working?
I'm worried it's becuase I have my sites URL has a .au on the end, ( www.popmag.com.au/a/b/c/d/xzy.mov) that it's causing troble. I guess I need to learn some RegEx.
That shouldn't be a problem, because the RegEx was made to account for that. But let me take a look at the definition again and see if I can troubleshoot what's causing your problem.
Originally Posted by D.Baker
OK, so SWF's aren't working either for me. I tried it on a domain with out .com.au and it still didn't work. Can someone confirm that they have it working and with what domain name and how many directories deep?
Could be that your file structure needs to be accounted for in the definition. But like I said, I'll look it over and see if I can spot what's wrong.
Originally Posted by bradvandam
How do I import the definitions or delete the defintions in AME ? Where do I go in my Admin CP ?
Definitions are imported and deleted through the AME CP in your Admin CP.
Originally Posted by MadK
Thank you DJ! This works on 3.7.x!
I am running 3.7.1.
Good to know. I'm going to upgrade soon and it would kill my development on this if it didn't work.