Originally Posted by Ian Emu-UK
Hi AndrewD
You probably don't remember me, but I have been a long time user of this mod and probably over a year ago now I asked you if it would be possible to make LDM automatically delete files that had been uploaded after a number of days from a category of my choosing. well since then I have fallen out of love with what my site is about and lost interest in it, but I have now got a renewed vigor for it all again and will be upgrading everything and hopefully move my site forward.
Anyway, that my little story, and obviously I am wondering if you did ever work out how to do it or is it something you would consider looking into again?
Hi, Ian, yes I remember.
I implemented a mechanism whereby entries in a category 'expire' after a certain number of days, e.g. 10 days. When they expire, they become hidden in that category (at least as far as most users are concerned), and they can optionally be moved to - and become visible in - a new category (which might have another expiry period).
I didn't implement a mechanism to 'autodelete' the expired files, but it is straightforward (I think) to provide a 'plug in' which will delete, e.g., all the expired entries in a given category. I will give this some thought and report back.
So if you really want to kill the files as well as expire then, you would set up LDM to expire entries after N days, then move them to a new category, and use this separate plugin to kill the files.
The expiry mechanism has another use also - when an expiry date is set for a category, then entries in that category only become visible to most users on their submission date. Since it is possible to post-date entries, you can set up categories in advance, knowing that entries will appear and disappear when required.