Originally Posted by IR15H
I don't know how to enable BB code in the field, and I can't view users profiles without signing up, so don't know what else you use the "Play Monitor" field for, but a possible idea that may you might find suitable is;
- Change your "Play Monitor" description to say "Enter the server IP you wish to track".
- Enter the IP in that field: eg;
- In your showroster_userbits template, put this;
If that's not of any use to you then I'm afraid you'll have to wait for someone else to reply regarding enabling BB code, as I can't help you.
This worked with a bit of tweaking
I put this code in
HTML Code:
<td class="$bgclass" nowrap="nowrap"><if condition="$user[field15]"><img src="http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/$user[field15]/b_560x95.png" alt="$user[field15]" border="0" /><else />No Server Tracked</if></td>