Originally Posted by Oblivion Knight
Does this get affected by the "Rebuild Post Cache"?
On the other version that I posted, any uncensored posts appear as censored until they're edited after the post cache has been rebuilt. I bypassed it by excluding the non-censored forum(s) from the query, but it's kinda sloppy.
Originally Posted by ImportPassion
no affects
Originally Posted by Oblivion Knight
Cool.. Consider me switched! 
Post cache rebuild affects this plugin in 3.7.0 gold. Censors all posts after rebuild. You can reverse it by removing the words and rebuilding the cache.
So it works if you never rebuild the post cache or, if you did, you'd have to remove the censored words first and then readd them after the cache was rebuilt, which would uncensor any words that were previously cached of course... etc etc blah blah. catch 22
If you never have to rebuild your post cache (which would be rare indeed) there is no problem using this.
Anyone still working on this plugin?