Well it sure would be hard work, though Whirlpool is way more safe than md5.
I work with security, and try see how many examples you can find on cracking
whirlpool compared to md5. (i didn't find any, only wordlists and bruteforcing might work).
When compared to speed, it takes 0.005 seconds to spit out an md5 hash aprox.
And when using whirlpool, that takes from 0.005-0.025 seconds aprox, so the
difference is it would be a little slower, compared to that the security on a forum
would suddenly be better.
Thanks anyways for your replies.
@Dismounted --> I'm sorry to say i've seen examples of vB-admin passwords getting
cracked within 7 days several times, and that was strong non-dictionary passwords.

This is not ment as an offence in anyway.