I had similar problems with the Search functions using CMPS on the front end, yes the infamous Security Issue... but was easily fixed by adding the <input type="hidden" name="securitytoken" value="$bbuserinfo[securitytoken]" /> to the adv_portal_search template right AFTER the <td class="$bgclass"> tag.
Although I understand these are NOT issues directly related to vbulletin core software, I really think that the vb staff should take into consideration that the reason most of us use this software is because of the wide varity of addon's available for it. That being said... perhapts a little more COMPATABILITY with add ons should be more carefully considered and tools to implement these fixes provided. Like when ya do the upgrade a script that will prompt you if you want it to check and upgrade all adv_portal*.* Templates that require it at.
I am an avid vb lover and Promote it to everyone I know, I've had my share of issues, but have ALWAYS found the vb staff to be very quick to respond to ANY and ALL issues I've had, so I hope we can stop the Hostile bashing and try to find a happy ground with CONSTRUCTIVE suggestions, Ya get more bees' with Honey folks....
Thank you staff, I appreciate the extra security having just gone through a Hijacked and very screwed up site not long ago. Hopefully these improvements will prevent that from happening in the future.
Be Patient,
PS: shouldn't it be Vbulletin article REPOSITORY? LOL