With the new possibility of LARGE attachments
Upload Memory Improvements
The way file uploads are handled have been re-written in order to reduce memory usage, it is now possible to upload an attachment of several hundred megabytes while only using a few kilobytes of memory. This new method only works when attachments are stored in the filesystem.
It would be cool to allow BIG attachment uploads - however decent hosting doesn't have economical bandwidth/storage space.
This is where being able to redirect attachments to a 3rd party server (one of those cheapo $7/month for 300GB space type ones) would be cool. Kepp the core important stuff on the fast expensice server whilst being able to store 100's gig of data on cheap storage.
There is an add-on that I use here ([THREAD=113583"]Files Upload Centre[/THREAD]) which allows file uploads to 3rd party servers - but being able to do this with attachments would be way cool.
Alternatively, being able to periodically move attachments stored in the file system to a 3rd party server and update all links etc in the database would be equally useful!
Just putting it out there...