Originally posted by wajones
There is no way that anyone would/should trash vbulletin for the sake of PHP-Nuke. There is no feasable way to stick vbulletin into it without altering PHPNuke period. Just stick with the free ware bbs systems, because if you altered vbulletin for Nuke that would be the quality you would end up with.
I am getting a bit confused...I also want to have the same members for vBulletin as well as the look of phpnuke or at least a portal look..
I guess from my understand ..
vbportal : use vBulletin as the main backend and modify add-on for it to be able to post news, and other portal stuffs..
while nuke2vb : use phpnuke and intergrate it with vB
please correct me if I am wrong....
Currently both phpbb 1.4.2,vbulletin 2.0.3 ,phpweblog 0.52,as well as phpnuke 5.0
I had 2 design for my site
Design 1 : vbulletin and phpweblog (not really intergrated)
Design 2 : phpnuke and phpbb (not intergrated)