Originally Posted by toonysnn
How weird, we think alike it seems. Except for the fact of using misc.php.
I would not use misc.php for few reasons, one being a fact that I've seen exploits for misc.php (older, but doesn't mean they cannot reappear) and would not want to contribute to it.
I was working on usergroup permissions but I couldn't figure it out. Right now I'm working on getting newer features in such as: per user options, admin definable connect options, etc.  Also it should add it correctly on the navbar (from a default vBulletin installation or a skin that is not modifying/removing $template_hook[navbar_buttons_right]
Also: There is a rules addon already placed in it. It should work.
I dont know, it wasnt adding on my NavBar but this was like a week ago...and wasnt the reason why I made my own. Was a few other things and usergroup permissions etc, which I had no idea you was planning on doing (I fail to read sometimes).