Originally Posted by Benumbed
Usergroup permissions, rules, uses misc.php instead of another unneeded file (imo), and correctly puts on NavBar.
How weird, we think alike it seems. Except for the fact of using misc.php.
I would not use misc.php for few reasons, one being a fact that I've seen exploits for misc.php (older, but doesn't mean they cannot reappear) and would not want to contribute to it.
I was working on usergroup permissions but I couldn't figure it out. Right now I'm working on getting newer features in such as: per user options, admin definable connect options, etc.

Also it should add it correctly on the navbar (from a default vBulletin installation or a skin that is not modifying/removing $template_hook[navbar_buttons_right]
Also: There is a rules addon already placed in it. It should work.