Originally posted by ArabicFox
FB wrote that he well release phpnuke version 5.1 with extra features and some bugs fixed
and this is the article:
phpnuke has a lot of wonderful features and we wanna make some integration between it and vb
as we know phpbb ahs been integrated with nukeaddon and be part of it that is mazing
but we hope to do the same with vbulletin
someone will say vbportal!!
it is bad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we ask just to add vbulletin with phpnuke without any change in the phpnuke
,,,,i mean just to use the same users
i suggest to use the same table users in db
any comments!!
There is no way that anyone would/should trash vbulletin for the sake of PHP-Nuke. There is no feasable way to stick vbulletin into it without altering
PHPNuke period. Just stick with the free ware bbs systems, because if you altered vbulletin for Nuke that would be the quality you would end up with.