Originally Posted by nothing4me
Try doing it yourself.
I have, been using it since I posted my results images... Absolutely no problems and significantly lower page load times in IE (firefox always cached properly, IE7 played silly buggers)
Originally Posted by nothing4me
Edit: (I'm guessing the PHP file has something to do with it?)
php file only pipes css and js through a gzip routine to compress them.
switch ($_REQUEST['type']){
case 'css':
header("Content-type: text/css");
case 'js' :
header("Content-type: text/javascript");
header("Content-type: text/plain");
Again, nothing to do with html or php.
This mod is safe to use and does exactly what it says it does on the tin. If you don't like the time limits lower them.
Change the value (2592000) in .htaccess to something else like:
# 300 5 MIN
# 600 10 MIN
# 900 15 MIN
# 1800 30 MIN
# 2700 45 MIN
# 3600 1 HR
# 7200 2 HR
# 10800 3 HR
# 14400 4 HR
# 18000 5 HR
# 36000 10 HR
# 39600 11 HR
# 43200 12 HR
# 46800 13 HR
# 50400 14 HR
# 54000 15 HR
# 86400 1 DAY
# 172800 2 DAY
# 259200 3 DAY
# 345600 4 DAY
# 432000 5 DAY
# 518400 6 DAY
# 604800 1 WEEK
# 1209600 2 WEEK
# 1814400 3 WEEK
# 2419200 4 WEEK
# 4838400 2 MONTH
# 7257600 3 MONTH
# 9676800 4 MONTH
# 12096000 5 MONTH
# 14515200 6 MONTH
# 16934400 7 MONTH
# 19353600 8 MONTH
# 21772800 9 MONTH
# 24192000 10 MONTH
# 26611200 11 MONTH
# 29030400 12 MONTH