Originally Posted by riverwire
Hi im using this mod, it was all working ok on 3.7 ive just upgraded to 3.7.1 and now the coloum sits under the forum instead of the right hand side, its fine on all the other pages but the home page it just isnt working correctly please can some one help. Thanks
This is a template issue, either with reverted templates and manual template edits, or with custom styles, or with the block contents. Check that all opening tags have closing tags.
Originally Posted by yunie_
sry but i dont quite understand how to seperate the blocks even after reading readme.. can anyone show me?
Start a new table in the block, then end it at the end of the block and put a <br /> or two to add a gap.
Originally Posted by xnewman
Hi everybody,
I am using this mod and I have found that I have to make variables global when I want to use them in the left/right column. I tried to use plugin manager and I did short code there with global start - I am not pretty sure it is right way.
Therefore - please, is anyone able to show me how (for example) to make available information on total number of threads, last registered user and so on?
Thanks a lot!
Yes, adding code to global start is the correct way to make the code global. You should always use a new plugin for each code that you add then you can manage it easily.
Adding the stats that you are requesting is something that is already coded into 3.0 which is in development (albeit slow development because of other commitments)