Originally Posted by dilbert
Hi Kerry-Anne,
Something to consider for the next release.
I am using vBadvanced Links Directory. It does not work correctly. The strange thing is that I use all of their products, and the Links directory is the only one with an issue.
Brian provided a solution.
Product: USC Alignment Fix
Add the items in red.
if (VBA_SCRIPT != 'links_directory')
$vbulletin->templatecache['header'] = $vbulletin->templatecache['header'] . '";$spacer_open="';
$vbulletin->templatecache['footer'] = $vbulletin->templatecache['footer'] . '";$spacer_close="';
Thankyou. Now this has been reported along with a solution I will add this by default into the next release (2.3)
Originally Posted by Veronica Vain
I am getting that error in Display Pages For Left Column and Display Pages For Right Column and I do not know where to go to enter the content i want on my sidebars
Make sure you have uploaded the files. When you have done so, reimport the product selecting Allow Overwrite - Yes
Originally Posted by pushedx
Is it possible to have this product work independently in different forums. I.e. let's say you have Forum Section A, Forum Section B, and Forum Section C. The Side Column in A would list quick links to content in Section A. The Side Column in B would list quick links to content in Section B, and so on for C.
Is this possible with this product?
Yes, use template conditionals in your blocks to do this.
Originally Posted by kinggori
Kerry-Anne, the custom links (content) delete option is not working. So after I added a new link, when I tried deleting it nothing happens.
I know

It's fixed on localhost in 2.3