Thanks for the clarrification Snakes.
My forum paths, and URL's are different of course. I'm unsure whether this syntax is correct for my application. Let me clearly explain my URL & Pathing relationship, and please tell me if this exact syntax is still correct.
I'm using vBa as my 'Portal Home' page.
Am I understanding correctly that I do NOT need to modify the "Cookie Domain" settings on either installation, but that I just need to modify the "Path to Save Cookies" on BOTH of my installations, my LIVE Site, and my TEST site?
Now that you have viewed my forum paths and URL relationships, is the syntax still correct which you listed above? '/forums/' on my LIVE site, and '/test/' on my TEST site?
Thanks again for all the help! I feel like a block head, but for some reason I am struggling with this. I didn't get freaked out until I started getting locked out of my admin-cp.