I highly recommend setting up a text about handling email problems in your FAQ. I am compiling one explaining each email provider's problems and solutions. Though it will take quite a lot of time/ Q & A, to complete. This is what I have until now:
Your email account
You must keep an active / valid email account to be active on this board. You can edit and change your email address in your user Control Panel(userCP).
When we receive a bounced email that has come back to us, this means your email account is not active or valid and your forum account will be restricted until the email problem is corrected by you.
To correct this go to your usepCP and change your email address to a valid one. Then request an activation email. This will be sent to your email address. It will contain both a link and an activation code to activate your account.
Please note that many free email accounts require you to log in at least every X amount of days. So to avoid problems please log into your email once in awhile if you do not normally do so.
Many email providers have overzealous spam filters. If you do not receive your confirmation email make sure you check your spam folder or your spam/filter settings as it may be caught in there.
Please add xx@x.com to your contacts.
Marking email from XX as 'not spam' will avoid problems.
Gmail email problems
If you have problems with receiving the activation codes or if your account has been deactivated awaiting email activation, then it is most likely that email from XX has landed in your spam box. Please check your spam folder. If you find a message from XX there, then please mark it as 'not spam' with the 'not spam' button there. This will prevent further emails bouncing back from your Gmail account to the XX server.
Hotmail email problems
Yahoo email problems
AOL email problems
I hope this serves others well.
I want to add a link to the FAQ in the PM text, but forgot where to alter it. Could you please remind me?