Originally Posted by TRa5H
Ok so i am having issues .. i cannot get the shoutcast to work.. i have tried with like 15 different shoutcast ips.. so i know its not that.. below is what i currently have.. i am using shoutcast lite and the cmps shoutcast lite for other pages..
$scdef = "[XRM] - Alternative"; // Default station name
$scip = ""; // ip shoutcast server
$scport = "8000"; // port of shoutcast server
and here is my forums.. www.rebelsofchaos.net there is a navigation menu top right kinda hidden takes you to all pages..
all that shows is the shoutcast is currently offline.. please help! thanks
9 out of 10 times this is because of settings (port,ip,password) or your webhost has blocked ports. Many hosts only allow queries for data on port 80 (http, rss, xml feeds). I have seen many webhosts designate a port for "other" needs of their clients.