This looks like a great mod, before diving in I have a couple of questions:
On big boards with hundreds of social groups this mod can really impact the performance because of the mass of new created forums. If you still want to use this mod use the "Minimum Members" feature with a higher value. Using the permission check there are additional two queries on every page.
When you say "every page" do you mean "every page" or just those pages that relate to social groups and forum lists? It seems a bit odd that if, for example, a user is viewing the FAQ pages an additional 2 queries are required.
TODO : By deleting a group the forum should also be deleted/archived. Currently this has to be done manually.
When/If this is added will this be optional, it could be extremely nasty if a social group owner gets annoyed over something and without thought kills the group and therefore kills a forum that might have some great content in it.