Originally Posted by Ranger187
Are you talking about the var SECURITYTOKEN = "0"; ?
Cuz if so, I get more errors... Ugh. I need sleep.
Yes it's that one which is needed coz it won't work otherwise with your vBulletin install.
Which errors do you get in that case ?
Originally Posted by jdelasko
So far, just in the month of may the file, mgc_cb_evo_ajax.php has accounted for the largest portion of my server bandwidth (42% of total). Here's the stats on this file:
Hits: 339430
KBytes: 12845136
12.8 gigabytes of transfer just for a chatbox!!!!?????
Is this normal for this program, or am I missing something?
Wow ! That's a lot.
Some questions:
- How many users do you have on your board ?
- What is your refresh rate ?
- How many chats are you displaying in the chatbox ?
I am planning on develop something to avoid full refresh of a chatbox each time and thus diminish the load.