Originally Posted by butch3r
And as for "Loading..."
The problem is in some phrases when you edit 'em. Re-upload of original language file can help. (If you have more than one language on your board try 2 switch 2 another language, and you'll see chat working)
Incorrect. I'm pretty sure this has nothing to do with the languages at all.
Originally Posted by VBDev
Ok as you experience that problem on some of the board where you installed the chatbox, can you try the following (it's a temp modification to find out the problem).
Replace the content of the chatbox_refresh function in the mgc_cb_evo.js file by :
function chatbox_refresh(type)
var handleSuccess = function(o){
if(o.responseText !== undefined){
fetch_object('chats').innerHTML = o.responseText;
var handleFailure = function(o){
if(o.responseText !== undefined){
fetch_object('chats').innerHTML = o.responseText;
var callback =
success: handleSuccess,
failure: handleFailure
/* Reset inactive mode */
if (chatbox_inactive)
chatbox_inactive = 0;
idleTimeout = setTimeout("activate_idle_chatbox()", inactive_mode_delay);
/* Forced refreshed, lets do it */
if(auto_refresh || (type == 'forced'))
/* Type of refresh management */
if (type == 'forced')
currentRefreshType = 'forced';
currentRefreshType = 'normal';
fetch_object('mgc_cb_evo_refresh_img').style.visibility = 'visible';
/* Chatbox is inactive, refresh forced => session update */
if (chatbox_inactive || force_session_refresh)
var sUrl = mgc_cb_evo_jsloc + 'mgc_cb_evo_ajax.php';
var postData = 'do=ajax_refresh_chat&status=open&channel_id=' + channel_id + '&location=' + cb_location + '&first_load=1&securitytoken=' + SECURITYTOKEN;
YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', sUrl, callback, postData);
var sUrl = mgc_cb_evo_jsloc + 'mgc_cb_evo_ajax.php';
var postData = 'do=ajax_refresh_chat&status=open&channel_id=' + channel_id + '&location=' + cb_location + '&first_load=' + first_load + '&securitytoken=' + SECURITYTOKEN;
YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('POST', sUrl, callback, postData);
force_session_refresh = 0;
return false;
It shall put inside the chatbox an error message which will help us find out the silly problem.
I did that, it just keeps refreshing. Any other ideas? If you want, PM me any files you want me to place.