Originally Posted by Jase2
Anyway to stop this using any queries, or at least cut down on one?
? It only has ONE query, and it's necessary for now.
Originally Posted by odeezie
I guess anywhere would work, similar to the profile or signature picture. I think it would be cool if you could go to the usercp "edit extra options" and put it in there at the bottom of the specs list.
Originally Posted by neologan
it would be cool to be able to hook some album pics to the tab, but that sounds like a lo of work.
The profile and sig pics have their own locations within the database, and I'd like to stay away from any DB edits if possible. The album is what I was thinking of, but I haven't looked at the album code yet.
Originally Posted by Jase2
Ummm, how would I make each category title bold in the tab? For example: CPU bold, Hard Drive bold ect ect.
You mean the Profile Field titles, not categories. I'm just using the standard memberinfo_profilefield template for them, just like the About Me tab uses.