I recently upgraded to 3.7 (A WEEK AGO to the latest ver. and while I had RC1 a friend had installed this Mod, After the upgrade I had 5 Templates that needed to be reverted. When I reverted the Templates it deleted the code for this Mod, so I reinstalled it and where I had 1 world map that was automatic, now I have 2 maps Registered and Posted Users, further more It deleted the Help button next to the user cp in the nav bar and replaced Help with Member World Map. ( Now the Map is an option)

I really need the Help button in the Nav Bar and I really do not care for the 2 maps. The registered Users Map is enough. I by no means am any type of Coder and I really have a Hard time doing things such as Mods. But I can Follow simple instructions if you can help me get my Help button back and have only 1 map that is automatic when you click Members. If Not, Not a problem, I will have to uninstall it. Hopefully I won't with a little help. Please advise