Originally Posted by robertjandreu
Hmmm I don't know about the email in HTML function but thanks it's a good idea if it needs to be implemented. Could you explain me how exacly you want it in html ?
Well, with the plugin you referenced, the eariler version (1.9) sent out HTML emails. I didn't have something specific in mind, other than I'd like to be able to set the emails up to include my site logo and some very simply HTML styling. I know vb's emails are text by default, but have also been watching a mod or two that ads the functionality to any email vb sends.
About the stability. In my opinion this mod always has been stable. I ran version 1.11 for like 3 months and never had problems with it. Most instabilities come from misconfigurations and other plugins. As I can't test for those instabilities I can't help you. The only thing you can do is or test yourself or post the errorcode here and the plugins youre using and I could find out what the problem could be.
i haven't run any of them yet, so i don't have an issue myself. i was just going from reading the support thread, pretty much whenever someone had a problem, they were told to dl the older version. just wondered if you had addressed something somehow, but it sounds like it wasn't a problem for you...