I just ran the first cron job on 3.7 Gold. Some users were 'pruned' but they weren't put in the specified usergroup. Would that be because they'd already been inactive for well over the specified time and thus immediately deleted or what?
Am using the following config:
// The user must had logged in the forum in the last x days
$lastactivity = 365;
// The amount of days an user stays "flagged" before been pruned
$flaggedtime = 7;
// The user must have posted in the forum in the last x days
$lastpost = 365;
// Users with more than this amount of posts will not be pruned
$maxposts = 1;
// Set this to true to email the members that are been pruned
$sendmail = true;
// This is the UserGroup that will receive pruned members.
// If you do not have such usergroup already available,
// please create one and refer to its id number here.
$groupid = 23;
// Set here the usergroups you do NOT wish to have modified,
// seperate each groupid with a space
$exclude = "5 6 7 10 22";