Originally Posted by Sym0n
Just wanted to thank you for this awesome addon. Is perfect for what my site owner was after, although I am trying to push him to buy PRO lol. Can I just check though that 0.2.2 will of resolved the currency issue with the PMs ($ instead of ?)?
Also am I alright to contact you if the creator of the style we are using can't get the dropdown menu working for our site? Using the variable in the install notes is messing up the formatting of the navbar and whilst I've been able to crudely hack in a link to the donate now page I'd like to be able to pull back the full resources of this great hack.
Thanks again,
Yeah the PM is fixed, version checker, and google checkout is added (PRO feature) and maybe some other things.
LITE IS NOTHING LIKE PRO. LITE is a tease to earn you the money to get PRO. PRO is where all the good stuff is and where the real money starts rolling in from donations and where you sit back and just enjoy and do nothing.
Hit me up like sinister said on custom styles. Best to hit me up in a chat environment for that stuff then message type system back and forth. SO AIM,SKYPE, or go to my chatbox on site and I will help you.