Originally Posted by HaYLaZ
Can you add here you menu codes
I actually linked you to the wrong (old) version of the addon I'm using. Should of been
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=177437 which is v0.2.1 of AWCoding- Donation System.
Anywho. As I'm a VB n00b I've currently butchered the header template, as you'll see below, to crudely include a link through to the forum rules (
https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=177559) addon and also for the donations link.
<div class="nvlink" align="center">
<if condition="$show['member']"><a href="usercp.php$session[sessionurl_q]" >$vbphrase[user_cp]</a></if>
<if condition="$show['registerbutton']"><a href="register.php$session[sessionurl_q]" rel="nofollow" >$vbphrase[register]</a></if>
<a href="misc.php?do=cfrules" >Forum Rules</a>
<a href="faq.php$session[sessionurl_q]" accesskey="5" >$vbphrase[faq]</a>
/<a href="awc_dsl.php?do=edit&e[global][dsl_bar_link]" >$vbphrase[setting_dsl_bar_link]</a>
<if condition="$vboptions['enablememberlist']"><a href="memberlist.php$session[sessionurl_q]" >$vbphrase[members_list]</a></if>
<if condition="$show['popups']"><if condition="$show['member']">
<a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getnew" accesskey="2" >$vbphrase[new_posts_nav]</a><else />
<a href="search.php?$session[sessionurl]do=getdaily" accesskey="2" >$vbphrase[todays_posts]</a></if>
<a id="navbar_search" href="search.php$session[sessionurl_q]" accesskey="4" rel="nofollow" >$vbphrase[search]</a>
<if condition="$show['quicksearch']"><script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("navbar_search",true); </script></if></if>
<a href="calendar.php$session[sessionurl_q]" >$vbphrase[calendar]</a>
<a href="arcade.php?$session[sessionurl_q]">Arcade</a>
<if condition="$show['member']"><a id="usercptools" href="$show[nojs_link]#usercptools" >$vbphrase[quick_links]</a><script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("usercptools",true);</script>
<if condition="$show['member']"><a href="login.php?$session[sessionurl]do=logout&logouthash=$bbuserinfo[logouthash]" onclick="return log_out('$vbphrase[sure_you_want_to_log_out]')" >$vbphrase[log_out]</a></if>
On the default skin the Donations drop down menu has two links.
Donate Now - /forum/awc_dsl.php?do=donation
Donation List (usergroup specific) - /forum/awc_dsl.php?do=list
I've tried to figure out what VB phrases are and how they work but I've still no idea, but if they are required to make this work correctly I'm sure AWJunkies would be able to tell me.
Just had a thought that this, from the actual addon settings menu might mean something to you. I've tried adding the variables as instructed but it messes up all the formatting, although the link works how it should lol.
Automatically add donation page link to NavBar which creates a drop down menu
If you select NO the variables to add manually to your header/navbar templates are:
Put this where you would like it to appear on your navbar/header
Find NAVBAR POPUP MENUS in header/navbar template and add this below it:
Thanks for any help,