Originally Posted by Mike-D
Security Tokens are small Hardware Devices that owners carries to authorize access to a Network Service. That means: Security Tokens provide an extra level of assurance thru a method known as TFA (Two-Factor Authentication). In this case the user has a PIN (Personal Identification Number which authorizes them as the owner of that particular device. So the device then shows a number which uniquely identifies the user to the service and allowing them to log in. The identification number for each user is changed frequently, usually every 3 min's. See also Wikipedia 
I am definitely one of those who is not using a Security Token. Thus, from all 56 ".php" files in the "vB 3.7/upload" directory, I have changed all those
define('CSRF_PROTECTION', true);
to ->
define('CSRF_PROTECTION', false);
All my mods and plug-ings are working fine again and the board is running smoothly.
It will be good if the vBulletin Development team could give an option in the Admin CP (->vBulletin Options) to switch on/off this "CSRF_PROTECTION" depending on whether a customer uses a Security Token or not. This, as few people are actually using a "security token".