Originally Posted by robertjandreu
First try version 1.1.1 and check if it works. If it doesn't there is or a plugin that has a conflict. Or you didn't uninstall the last on properly. Uninstall it and try installing it again.
Else you will need to give me the password of your admin account Database and FTP so I can check it
It also could be that you did install a previous version that send the mails if so it will not send any mails till it hits 90 days later  . It doesn't mean it will send mails every time you click the button.
Which 1.1.1 are you referring to? I only see a link for 1.13

I did try the latest version of
this one which did work, but wouldn't stop sending out multiple copies of the emails to members within a small timeframe so I uninstalled/removed it. I'm very reluctant to reinstall it after that, especially when I know I had the settings right.
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling this version, but its still not working. I set it to just one usergroup, yet it came up the following when I ran the schedule manually:
Inactive User Reminder Emails
Makes use of the reminder Count
Found 689 Inactive Users.
The group I set only had 33 members in it

And it didn't send any emails out to anybody anyway, even after displaying this.
I only sent out reminder emails to one other usergroup with the previous version by the other author, yet it refuses to send out anything even with other groups for this one. So its definitely not the 90 days later issue either.