Permissions don't seem to work correctly.
I have unregistered/not logged in set to view public social forums and the rest as no. Unregistered can not view the forum. Even if I enable all permissions they still can't view them. The only way to make them visible is to turn off permissions system. The problem with this is private group forums are also visible. I want public group forums viewable by all and private groups forums viewable by only members that are invited.
Second problem is the write permissions seem to be backwards. If I disable posting to public forums for Users Awaiting Email Confirmation, Banned Users and 2 custom groups they can still post. If I set permission to enable posting they get no permission error. This one can create big problems. If you want to test the posting bug register an account. After you get the message to verify the account, don't verify it, go to the forum home and enter one of the social forums. Create a new thread.
For the record I have the newest version installed.