Originally Posted by intensecool
Where to place the Code
You might be able to put it in your SHOWTHREAD template, but if you want to put it in your Postbit_legacy template, like I did. Look for the following code:
<if condition="$show['postcount']">#
Just above that, add the code you get from the ShareThis website, and it will appear on the row, and just before each post count.
If you don't want to show the regular bookmark links, you could comment out that code, and add in the ShareThis code between the bookmarking conditionals, like this:
SHOWTHREAD - Look for:
<if condition="$bookmarksites">
Add the ShareThis code right below that. Please keep in mind though, I haven't tested this part yet.
If you are placing the code in Wordpress or some other place, I would not be able to help you there. You would need to check the documentation or with someone that is more familar with adding those widgets.
Hopefully this will give you a starting point.