If you get this message “Unable to add cookies, header already sent.” and you can log in the admin panel you can add this code into config.php
PHP Code:
define('DISABLE_HOOKS', true);
And go to make the changes or uninstall.
With a little research, it looks like a problem in the 2nd plug in with name (it have 2 plugins with the same name)
SocialForums (cache_templates) (the one is with 7 line code and the other is bigger)
So in the bigger with the same name of smaller, it has a loop.
PHP Code:
foreach(array_diff($agetforumids, $agetuserforumids) AS $sf_forumid)
This looks affect in this problem.
I don’t know how important is this plugin but if you disable it there no problem appears.
We have to wait until Phalynx correct this little problem