Sorry about the late reply, been having a few problems but everything seems sorted now.
Originally Posted by Aaron218
I get that error and im the owner of my board i have edited my usergroup to allow me to use the system and im still getting that error. Also the navbar edit is not working:
I would recommend uninstalling and reinstalling, can you confirm whether you had a previous version of HelpCenter installed?
The navbar edit may not be working because it cant find the search text, check your Main Settings and provide an alternative search criteria.
Originally Posted by macc
i get error when i click on public ticket
Database error in vBulletin 3.7.0:
Invalid SQL:
SELECT * FROM vb_helpcenter_ticket AS helpcenterticket LEFT JOIN vb_helpcenter_department AS helpcenterdepartment ON (helpcenterdepartment.departmentid = helpcenterticket.departmentid) WHERE ticketstatus=1 AND ticketview=1 ORDER BY datelastupdate DESC;
MySQL Error : Unknown column 'ticketview' in 'where clause'
Error Number : 1054
Request Date : Thursday, May 22nd 2008 @ 08:41:23 AM
Error Date : Thursday, May 22nd 2008 @ 08:41:23 AM
Script :
Referrer :
IP Address :
Username : Admin
Classname : vB_Database
MySQL Version : 4.1.22-standard
and on bottom show "help center rc ver 1.0" (i updated to gold )
some help or solution?
The ticketview problem was solved in a previous release, I wonder if the upgrade hasnt worked correctly, could you please download the latest package, uninstall the product and then install as new and overwrite all files.
See if this corrects your problem.
Originally Posted by mvigod
Is it possible to have reported posts to create a ticket as private and assigned to the moderator of the forum it was reported in?
Looks great so far!
Not at the moment.
Originally Posted by scan-pa
Few questions.
1) New version still has RC 1 on the url link footer tag.
2) How do I assign Staff to only have access to specific Departments?
I want Super Admins to handle all Departments, Admins & Super Moderators to handle specific assigned departments ect....
There needs to be a pop up notification for Super Admins, Admins, Super Moderators of new tickets opened or replyed to. also an email for each open, reply, close event sent to the webmaster email address.
Have you customised any of the templates? if so can you revert them and this should fix the RC1 issue.
Departments dont have usergroup permissions.
Notifications are going to be a Pro Version feature.
Originally Posted by Aaron218
Please view my advice above and if that doesnt work ill gladly take a look for you.
Thanks very much, Paul.