Originally Posted by D.Ilyin
topper_grave can you explain what did you mean? And how can i reproduce this bug?
Oh, I'm so sorry, of course I should have described the problem better. Well, here it is:
Using Firefox 3 I can see the spoiler bar, with the little + sign and all, but it does not expand to reveal the contents when I click it, which it should. To get to the bottom of this I tried it with both Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox 2 and both worked without a glitch, but with Firefox 3 nothing happens when you click to expand. Firefox 3 supposedly handles overlays/layers differently (some other sites I frequent has had problems with this - such as
http://wigflip.com/roflbot/ - but solved them with workarounds), but I do not know if your addon used any kind of overlays or something of the sort.
I realize this could very well be a bug in Firefox 3 and not something you can or should try to fix, but seeing as more and more people on our forum (currently 15% of our userbase, and climbing) is using Firefox 3 we had to stop using your addon to not alienate them, which would drive them off the forum rather than changing their favorite browser.
I am going to post this at the Mozilla forums too, to see if the error is on their part.