When I run the install I get: "You must be an administrator in order to access this page."
I am already in admin panel and then paste /z/install/index.php in the end of url. So I dont se why the install cant identify me as admin?
I followed these instructions:
There are a few things to try, in this order:
A. Obviously make sure you're logged in with an admin account.
B. Cookie domain
1. Go to your vBulletin admincp
2. Process to vBulletin options > Cookies and HTTP Header Options
3. Under "Cookie Domain" > Suggested Settings - select .yourdomain.com
Save and see if that helps.
C. Execute this query:
UPDATE zp_user SET usergroup = usergroup | 8 WHERE userid = xWhere x is your numerical userid.
D. Create another temp admin account and login with that to do the install.
Now I cannot log in the admin panel ?????????
It says welcome username and then go back to admin login page without logging in..