vb 3.6.10 or later: Welcome Private Message sent only after x days
in ACP: vbulletion options/User Registration Options/Welcome Private Message
I am allowed to configure a PM as a welcome message for new users.
I have e-mail verification turned on. So as far as the description sais, this Welcome Private Message will be sent out then immediately after the user confirmed his e-mail address/account.
What do I have to do, if I want this Welcome Private Message to be sent out i.e. only exactly 7 or 10 days AFTER beeing registered?
I need this option for testaccounts who are moved after x days to another usergroup. I need to inform the users with an automated system about the move of his account after x days from "usergroup trial" to "usergroup expired trial". This Welcome PM message would be ideal for this.
Do I need a hack for this? Or is there a setting in ACP I did not see yet?
Thanks in advance