Lol bob12, i suggest you shutup. I agree 100% with nexialys of what he has just said to you. It looks to me you have wasted your money buying vB because it looks like you know nothing about vBulletin. The way you have set your site up makes as tho you have done it in 5 minutes with no vB-Experience. I think you should learn a little more about vBulletin and website development before opening your website. You can't just start a website, without planning it. It looks as tho you have just thought "I know i'll make a music site" No offence but if i into music forums, personally your site wouldn't be the first site i would go to. I think you should just watch your traffic stay at an amount with 1 user online everyday. The site is uglay as hell you steal other peopels work and put it onto your site tbh your site is retarded. And i hope you get shutdown for stolen propety.