Originally Posted by IvyKeepMommy
Ok, I installed, but the supermoderators can't access...
The error message they get is
The problem is that I do NOT want my Supermoderators to have unlimited access to the Administer Users section (for one thing, when they do, they can change their own permissions to see areas only for our donors, can make themselves a member of the Admin group, etc.)
I'd like them to be able to review a new user and moderate them (accept their membership or not) but not change any other permissions for the member.
Originally Posted by IvyKeepMommy
To clarify, the issue is the link on the notifications menu, since it takes the Supermod to the link in the admin cp that they don't have permission to see. If they go into the ModCP then it works for them.
Can/Should the notification link be changed so that it goes to the ModCP approval rather than the AdminCP panel?
It should not happen at all, because the permissions are specifically checked to see if the person using the link is either an admin or super mod.
If you are an admin, you get the link to the AdminCP, if you are a supermod then you will get the link to the ModCP.
The only possible way super mods will see the link to the AdminCP instead of the ModCP is if both
Can Moderate All Forums (is Super Moderator) and
Can Access Control Panel (is Administrator) are set to
Yes in the Super Moderator usergroup (which they should not be, if they are both set, then they are counted as admins and not super mods).
Can Access Control Panel (is Administrator) should be set to
No for super mods, and
Yes for admins, and this is what it is by default.
If it is not the above, I have not got a clue, as the only way I could recreate your problem was by setting
Can Access Control Panel (is Administrator) to
Yes for super mods.