Originally Posted by Bradley_Wint
don't mind me sounding like a newbie here but i added the content to a robots.txt file, upped it to my server html root folder like 8 hrs ago..now when i check my who's online list, i still see google bots murdering my calender.php, login.php...etc...
anything i did wrong?
Give it a while. But are you sure they don't have the red error icon next to them?
Here's what I use :
User-agent: *
Disallow: /forum/admincp/
Disallow: /forum/album.php
Disallow: /forum/announcement.php
Disallow: /forum/calendar.php
Disallow: /forum/cron.php
Disallow: /forum/editpost.php
Disallow: /forum/faq.php
Disallow: /forum/showgroups.php
Disallow: /forum/images/
Disallow: /forum/joinrequests.php
Disallow: /forum/login.php
Disallow: /forum/memberslist.php
Disallow: /forum/misc.php
Disallow: /forum/modcp/
Disallow: /forum/moderator.php
Disallow: /forum/newreply.php
Disallow: /forum/newthread.php
Disallow: /forum/online.php
Disallow: /forum/poll.php
Disallow: /forum/printthread.php
Disallow: /forum/private.php
Disallow: /forum/register.php
Disallow: /forum/report.php
Disallow: /forum/search.php
Disallow: /forum/sendmessage.php
Disallow: /forum/showpost.php
Disallow: /forum/subscription.php
Disallow: /forum/subscriptions.php
Disallow: /forum/threadrate.php
Disallow: /forum/usercp.php
Disallow: /forum/usernote.php