I've recently been informed that a number of automated bots scamper around cyberspace joining whatever forums they damn well please.
My questions relating to these bots are:
1. Should these bots be spanked from member lists, and why (refer (3.))?
2. Is the image code verification feature upon signing up to a forum designed to block these bots and/or something else?
3. Do these bot 'members' in anyway advance a forum up search engine lists (refer (1.))?
4. Can someone please give me some info about the origins of these bots?
5. I welcome any elaboration on the subject of bots..............not spankings.........I'm well versed in their nature

Please people, these are genuine questions from someone who signed up to their first E-Mail account a few months ago, and is now genuinely interested in purchasing a vBulletin forum.
For those who are inclined to
attempt to take the piss out of BUZAgain............well........It'd be good if you could just help a brother out :up:.