Originally Posted by xuanhuy238
I'm vietnamese
I Tested this title : " Đ?ng g?p ? kiến "
It generated these tags : g?p,Đ?ng,kiến .
but I need: "Đ?ng g?p,? kiến
Any solution to fix this too ???I think this mod need 1 custom libarary muitiply word
This will be added in the next release
Originally Posted by Mecho
I Tested this title : " This is a TEST for Auto Tagger v1.0 "
It generated these tags : Test,Auto Tagger,v\.1\.0.
Originally Posted by ecihanuysal
i have a problem with parenthesis 
A solution of sorts will be created in the next release (see comments at the end of this post)
Originally Posted by Junkie
Great MOD. Would it be possible for tags associated with a deleted thread to remove themselves also?
I believe the default vBulletin software will do this.
Originally Posted by paramegsoft
please how i can active auto tags to rss forums which get threads automatic
Working on this, see comments at the end of this post
Originally Posted by Jase2
What if a user submits tags, does this stop adding them automatically? Also, are there any extra queries ect. we should know about?
See the following:
The product does of course add some additional processing when a user submits a thread but this primarily uses what VB already has in memory so the impact is fairly low. It does not add any additional SQL queries.
In response to a few questions posted so far:
1) At the moment it does not support posts created via incoming RSS feeds, however I do intend to add this feature and I am in fact working on this right now.
2) As mention in the opening posts the product will not "retro-tag" already existing posts, the reason for this is that at the moment this is in beta and retro-tagging 1000's of posts with the current version could feasibly create alot of problem. Once the rule sets are defined then I will release something that will auto tag all existing threads.
3) As reported by a few people there are a few issues with non alphanumeric characters in titles (thing like ( ) \ /). The next version will have a fairly complex replacement system built once released this will allow you to perform filtering and replacements. So for example:
'\'=>' and '
will replace all instances of '\' with ' and '
This can also be used to extend tags, so for example you can set the following rule:
'GSXR'=>'Suzuki GSXR'
So if a user submits a title of "GSXR Paintwork", the tags will be "Suzuki GSXR, Paintwork"
I imagine that this replacement system will need, with your feedback, considerable tweaking to make it as good as it can be when process human language input.
4) Under the default configuration if the user submits tags with their thread then keywords from the title are still calculated but it will not duplicate. So for example if a thread title of "Fish food for cats" and tags of "pets, fish" are submitted, the final tags will be "pets, fish, cats". However the if the "Disable Auto Tag if Tagged?" option is enabled then if a user submits tags then the auto tagger will not do anything.
I am working on all this at the moment once I will release it as soon as I am happy that the changes are as good as they can be with single user/site testing.
And finally, thanks for the support it makes putting this together worthwhile