Hmm, I don't think its against the rules to show modifications of a skin, after all thats the point of skins, to change how your arcade looks!
You can see a demo of the small changes I made at this url:
I edited the file /arcade/skins/v3arcade.php:
<div class="smallfont">{$entry['gwords']}</div>
Below, change this block of text:
<table width="100%" border="0" class="{$rowcol}">
<td><b>{$ibforums->lang['times_played']}</b>{$entry['gcount']} </td>
<td align="right"> {$rating}</td>
To look like this:
<table width="100%" border="0" class="{$rowcol}">
<td><b>{$ibforums->lang['times_played']}</b>{$entry['gcount']} <i>({$ibforums->lang['time_played']}{$entry['gtime']})</i></td>
<td align="right"> {$rating} <a href="#" onclick="'{$ibforums->base_url}act=Arcade&do=rate&gid={$entry['gid']}','comment_edit','height=150,width=400'); return false;">{$ibforums->lang['rate_game']}</a></td>
This simple change will modify the v3arcade skin of your arcade. The game listing will now show total time played beside the Times Played: XX, and will put a (Rate It) link beside the star rating of each game on the list, for easier access to the rating feature.
If it is in any way against the rules to post this code, please remove this post. I didn't see anything anywhere that said I could not post this. Thanks.
I hope this helps.