NOT YOUR TYPICAL GENERAL INTEREST FORUM!! (A Wonderful friendly, zany, Euphoric place where everybody knows your screen name.

) We have areas of interest for all! From a great Lounge, to topics ranging from Food & Drink to Sports & Recreation and everything in between. We don't take ourselves seriously either. JUST ADDED A GREAT DEBATE SECTION THAT IS TAKING OFF REALLY WELL!!!
Euphoric: from Greek euphoros, meaning "healthy", (eu- + pherein to bear)
: a feeling of well-being or elation
Pretty much any time you see the prefix "eu" on a word with greek origins, it means "good". Thus "euology" comes from eu+ logos (word)...meaning "good words". Euphemism: eu+ phanai to speak. So when you use a euphamism, you're speaking a good word in place of a bad word. Eucharist: eu + charis meaning good grace, or gratitude.
Arythmia (proper spelling:
arrhythmia): a- + rhythmos (rhythm) so it means lacking rhythm.
In Greek, any time you see an "a" or "an" prefix, it means "against", "without", or "not". So in english we have words like asexual, amoral, anarchy, anhydrous, Anabaptist, anachronism, etcetera.
Euphoric Arythmia describes somebody who is off-beat and feels good about it.