Everyone - there have been a number of suggestions now regarding minor modifications to make this work on 3.7.
this post, the suggested line had been added that had apparently fixed it. However, I have seen some
other adjustments suggested since.
Although I am not supporting this mod, I have the ability to update the code that is posted here to make it easier for everyone.
I will change the xml for download here to a beta version that includes the extra line as suggested by Mark B and tekguru back on page 15. Also, if there are additional mods needed (
as suggested by gabrielt) then please let me know via PM and I will include these in a beta as well. If that all works properly and no one has any serious complaints, then I'll re-post this in the 3.7 mods area.
(I've just tried 1.2b on my vb3.7.0 and it seems to work OK now)