Originally Posted by King Kovifor
Why does it never work when I release these things? Will look into it.
As I described in post 8, this hack has two obvious problems for me. I fixed half of it. Now when it actually manages to show the entry title it links to the correct entry. I did this:
Change blogtextid to blogid:
<template name="postbit_latestblog" templatetype="template" date="1211120487" username="King Kovifor" version="1.0.0"><![CDATA[<div>$vbphrase[latestblogentry]: <a href="blog.php?b=$entry[blogtextid]">$entry[title]</a></div>]]></template>
However, I still can't figure out why an entry title doesn't even appear most of the time, but works perfectly for some people.